
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


with Valentine's Day happening this week, i thought it was the perfect time to share my gratitude for...

Bill on the day of our wedding
that's my mister. his name is Bill and i love him even more than i love vintage! he is an amazing husband and i'm so thankful for him and all he does. for instance, he...

makes me awesome cards, by hand...

surprises me with treats and gifts...

has fun with me...

plays along when i throw parties with silly themes...

lifts heavy vintage objects for long periods of time and rarely takes breaks (i don't know how we could have done Farm Chicks without the husbands last year!)...

puts up with all my cheesy photo shoot ideas...

tolerates enormous piles of vintage stuff sitting in the middle of our apartment...

and even stands in the rain while we get the perfect photo next to a cool old truck! 

see? he's pretty awesome right? beyond all that fun stuff above, he works hard to provide for us, is passionate and not afraid to follow his dreams, is kind to others (especially people that many would ignore), is patient and secretly funny, has an awesome beard, and he's handsome to boot! for all those reasons, and so many more, i am grateful for him.  

what are you grateful for this week? i'd love to know- just leave a comment! 

(p.s. if you're interested in theology or the bible, Bill has a new blog of his own that i think you'll like! take a look and let him know i told you all about him!) 

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Bill IS pretty great.

    I'm thankful for my also-bearded husband!


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